Featured Post! 13,000 + Mamas Took The Quiz!

Let's Dish Series No. 1: Take Mama's Sex Quiz

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I'm Joanne Ilaqua.

a.k.a MamaSoup

I’ve spent about 20 years serving women as a nurse, doula and Lamaze educator. I also have 4 kids so I know first-hand how lonely and isolating it can be to be a mama. That’s why I created Mamasoup.

Most days you can find me working away in my home office (without a bra on), bopping out to Hip Hop (which I’m WAY to old to listen to, btw- but I just can’t quit it!) and searching my teenagers’ rooms for all the plates and bowls.

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labour and delivery

Take Mama's Sex Quiz

As part of a new series, “Let’s Dish,” we’ll be sharing interactive quizzes related to a number of mom topics that will give you a bit of ‘virtual girl talk’ by revealing answers of other moms once you've completed the quiz yourself.

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labour and delivery

5 Commonly Missed Signs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Don't miss out on this incredible information on pelvic floor health from Jessica Dalliday of Pilates on Demand (POD), along with FREE video access, a printable to help fix the dysfunction and a fabulous deal to get you started on POD!

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labour and delivery

5 Things First Time Moms Wished They'd Known Before Giving Birth

If you’re pregnant with your first baby, this information is for you, Mama! This post is full of information and helpful (& FREE!) printables to help prepare you for the incredible birth of your baby!

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breastfeeding newborns

How to Succeed at Breastfeeding in the First 48 Hours

Breastfeeding is something every mom should have the best chance at - and the foundation of a great breastfeeding journey stars in the first 48 hours of baby's life. This post has incredibly detailed instructional printables that will help you succeed at breastfeeding!

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All of Mama's Posts:

Four Reasons your Baby Bites While Breastfeeding and How to Stop it

Nursing your baby comes with obstacles, and a biting stage is one of the hardest! Learn why your baby bites while breastfeeding and steps to nip it in the bud.

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Our Favourtie Teaching Tool for Childbirth Professionals

Did you know that MamaSoup has an online shop filled with essential tools to help you teach successful birthing classes? These 3D printed fetus skulls are a popular item sold to prenatal educators, midwifery and medical students and even colleges and universities.

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The Secret to an Easier, Faster Birth

The evidence is in: it's a good idea to squat during your birth. Here's a guide to why you should squat, how to do it and positions to help you (and your birth partner) make it easier.

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What it Feels Like to Have a Baby: Labour from Start to Finish

Over the years, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is, "How does it really feel to deliver a baby?" While no two labours are identical, they typically all follow a straightforward path. Read more if you're wondering what contractions feel like and how to manage them.

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Can Baby Aspirin Prevent Preeclampsia?

You may have high or moderate risk factors for preeclampsia and not even realize it. The good news is that you can learn more about this dangerous condition during pregnancy and take steps to help prevent it. 

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Things my Daughters Have Asked me During the First Trimester

A few questions that my daughters have asked about pregnancy in the first trimester and how I answered them as a nurse, doula and Lamaze teacher.

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Helpful Husband: Birth Tips for First-Time Fathers

If you've got a partner who's also going to be supporting you during childbirth as a first-time father, he'll want to see these birth tips and free downloadable resources for dads.

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5 Useful Tips For Breastfeeding Part-Time

Breastfeeding your baby part-time is a great idea for many reasons and we'll show you how.

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The Ultimate Postpartum Gifts for a New Mom: Holiday Edition

Check out our ultimate holiday gift guide for the postpartum mom on your list this year! These six gifts are practical and cost very little money.

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How Cabbage Leaves Help Relieve Engorged Breasts from Breastfeeding or Weaning

Breast engorgement is caused by a build up of fluids like blood and breastmilk in the breast tissue after giving birth. Cabbage leaves are an effective and cheap way to manage breast engorgement from breastfeeding or weaning.

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Plan a Gentle C Section Using our Free Birth Plan Template

A gentle c section is when the birth team works with the birthing family to create a cesarean birth experience that feels as though it's happening in a birthing room. Our free gentle c section birth plan template can help you plan for a positive planned cesarean.

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Caring for my Aging Parents as the Ontario Healthcare System Collapses

It's bad. In fact, it seems to be hanging on by a thread right now. The healthcare system I left a few years ago to start my business is in much worse shape today than when I left it.

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Study: Instagram is Bad for Postpartum Body Image

A new study on the effects of Instagram on postpartum body image suggests that social media is not accurately representing postpartum bodies and it's having a negative impact on moms' health and wellness.

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Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum hair loss is common and it occurs about three months after birth and can last up to six months. It's important to note that it's a normal part of pregnancy and it won't last forever. Most people will enjoy a full head of hair again.

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Advice from an Empty Nester

Are you dreading the empty nest? I've got some advice for you from an empty nester, to make the transition a little easier for you and your kids.

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How a Cesarean is Performed

Everyone who's ever learned they need a planned csection has wondered how a cesarean is performed. Inside, you'll also learn how you can prepare for yours.

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When to go to the Doctor After a Positive Pregnancy Test

You may have heard about the new trend called “pregnancy testing” where women take a urine sample to check if they're pregnant or not. But what happens when you do a positive pregnancy test?

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What's a C Section?

What's a C Section and what should you expect immediately before and after?

Birth and operating room nurse, doula and Lamaze teacher who's had two babies by cesarean explains it in here!

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What Every Pregnant Person Needs to Know About Caesarean Section

One of the things I hear most from postpartum patients is, "I wish I'd learned more about having a caesarean section."

In this blog you'll learn the difference between a C-section and vaginal birth, the history of caesarean, rates and reasons more people are having them, how to avoid a caesarean and risks and benefits of both vaginal birth and C-section.

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Getting Over Mom Guilt

Mom guilt happens to all of us. Whether it creeps up after yelling at our kids, not falling instantly in love with a newborn or being a working mom, you're not alone. Read on for more on what causes mom guilt and how to get over it.

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Guide to Hiring a Virtual Doula

Doulas are a wonderful resource for new parents and hiring a virtual doula is a great solution for many people who don't have the time to attend prenatal classes and who're looking for private prenatal and postpartum support.

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5 Things First-Time Moms Need to Know About Giving Birth Naturally

Even though your body knows you're capable of giving birth naturally, your mind can get in the way of achieving an unmedicated birth. Read on for five ways your mindset may be working against you and suggestions and resources to work at it while you're still pregnant.

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One of my Favourite Ways to Show Cervical Dilation as a Prenatal Teacher

Prenatal teachers are forever looking for fresh new ways to showcase cervical dilation and the stages of labour. I was no different! The problem was that I couldn't find anything I liked, so I made it. See how I use it and how you can have a set of cervical dilation rings for your prenatal practice, too.

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Extremely Faint Line on Pregnancy Test? What to do Next

Did you have to hop online and look for pictures of faint line positive pregnancy tests so you can compare yours?

Girl, I totally get it! I’ve been pregnant four times so I know how badly you need to know an answer right now.

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What to Expect the First 6 Weeks Postpartum

Nobody really tells a new mom what to expect in the first six weeks postpartum. Check out these 10 things women polled really want you to know about the postpartum period.

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10 Birth Affirmations (Printable) you Need for a Confident Pregnancy and Stress-Free Birth

Birth affirmations are catching on and with great reason! But what are positive birth affirmations exactly, and how can our printables help you during labour and delivery?

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Hey Mama: The Best Weight Loss Plan is Losing your Negative Thoughts

Imagine closing a social media app feeling better about yourself than you did before you got there, rather than worse? You deserve to feel good in your skin, Mama.

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Canadian Parents: Everything you Need to Know About the Disability Tax Credit

It's hard enough to deal with a child with a disability, but then there's the process of applying for the Disability Tax Credit. Talk about complicated!

Join me as I chat with Jon Law from JL Bookkeeping, family and diability tax specialist. He gives us all the tips and tricks to making your application process go a little smoother!

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Why Don't Parents Talk Openly About how Hard Teenagers Are to Raise?

Warning: real talk and language in here!

My husband is the most honest, reliable, voice of reason that every parent needs in their life. He shares his wisdom while making you feel like you've got a cheerleader with a really deep voice on your shoulder.

We sat down to talk about why parents don't talk more openly about how hard it is to raise teenagers after a mom posted a question anonymously on the MamaSoup social media platform.

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Canadian Parents: Childcare Deductions and Credits you can Claim for 2021

Founder of MamaSoup talks to Jon Law from JL Bookkeeping to chat about childcare deductions and credits you can claim for 2021. It's been quite a year for parents so we want to make your taxes a little easier to navigate. For instance, did you know that if your family members helped watch the kids and you paid them, it's not tax deductible? This is the first in a weekly series of 5 amazingly educational talks about all things parenting and taxes, so make sure you subscribe to our channel so you don't miss a thing!

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Division of Parenting Duties: Is it Ever Equal?

Join the founder of MamaSoup and her husband for a weekly chat about issues that have been shared and posted in the MamaSoup community for moms!

Gain perspective from these parents who've raised 4 kids in these completely unedited talks about all things parenting.

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Parenting at Christmas: Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

Mom of four and founder of the MamaSoup platform talks about ways to set boundaries and expectations for kids around Christmas and tips to make the holidays less stressful and more memorable.

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Tips for Talking to your Kids About Sex

There's nothing worse than awkward discussions with your kids about sex. But sex is a huge part of every human being's life, so we may as well learn tips to talk about sex, pleasure, consent and emotional and physical health with our kids. And it should start young!

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The Answers to Your Most Common Epidural Questions

In this post, I share all of the most common questions I get about epidurals in labour and birth! Check out typical side-effects, the difference between a spinal and an epidural and what it means when you're too frozen to push.

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How to Push Your Baby Out WITHOUT Tearing a Damn Thing.

Whether you decide to have a natural birth or an epidural, there are things you can do to protect your hoo-hah, Mama!

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I Need to Have a C-Section: What do I Need to Know?

As a labour and delivery nurse and doula, I'm here to tell you that it's not only birth, but it's the hardest way to have a baby.

As a woman who's had two cesearean, I can confirm that I understand the anxiety and worry you're feeling about your planned c-section.

So, I created a completely free info-series to help you feel more in control of your birth experience.

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All About Postpartum Sex

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How my Postpartum Client Overcame Exhaustion, Breastfeeding Difficulties and Loneliness by Working With Me!

It’s no secret that having a baby comes with a lot of sleepless nights. And most of the time, you’ve got to just buckle in and deal with them until your baby is old enough to sleep through.

But sometimes, there are strategies that you can implement to help you maximize your awake time to minimize your awake time, you get my drift?

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Don't Have Your Baby Until You Do This

A recent study from Lansinoh came out and it found that:

While the majority of women felt prepared to care for their baby, 92% said there were parts of the postpartum period they were not prepared for. Nearly two-thirds or more were unprepared for breastfeeding, mental health concerns, lack of sleep, and physical recovery.

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The 4 Biggest Mistakes I Made After Having Babies

Having a baby is such a momentous occasion in a person’s life. It’s so weird because it’s not just another day, even though the process is one hundred percent normal.

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How to Choose the Right Postpartum Support

Sometimes, the best way to learn about something is to look to people who've already done it. The postpartum experience is no different!

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Everything You Need to Know About Recovering From Your Cesarean

Having a c-section isn’t the easy way out of birth. In fact, it’s the harder way to have a baby. I have about 22 years serving women as they become moms and I’ve never yet seen a woman breeze through a caesarean.

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5 Common Mistakes New Moms Make

I’ve supported enough women through this transition to know that it always comes with some hiccups. And as someone who’s had four kids, I know personally the postpartum struggle is REAL. I want you to have the best possible experience because this is the only time you’ll have to truly meet each other. 

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The Postpartum Period Can Last for Years, Not Weeks

I always feel that the best way to shine light on a dark subject is to talk about it. Let's stop being ashamed that we may not be handling motherhood as well as society says we should. Let's talk about how tough it is to adjust to this new life and help other moms understand that they're not alone.

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C-Section Recovery Support Tips for Partners

You don't have to make major moves to be a supportive partner after a cesarean.

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C-Section Recovery Tips for the First Few Days

Having a c-section isn’t the easy way out of birth. In fact, it’s the harder way to have a baby. I have about 20 years serving women as they become moms and I’ve never yet seen a woman breeze through a caesarean.

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The 3 Stages of Postpartum Bleeding

It’s not that normal for us to chat with our friends about what to expect when you’re bleeding after you have your baby. Afterall, it’s not a sexy topic. In fact, feminine bleeding when it comes to menstruation and the postnatal period is a little bit taboo in many social circles. But here at MamaSoup, we bust through all of the barriers so YOU can have an informed birth experience.

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First Time Mom Inspiration

While you're feeling overwhelmed about becoming a mom for the first time, here's some of the best advice I've given over 22 years of supporting birthing families.

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3 Reasons to Hire a Virtual Postpartum Doula

Any doula worth their fee will tell you that the whole point of hiring a doula is to make sure you have the birth or postpartum support you need. It’s not up to us to decide what’s best for you, but it’s on us to help you figure it out and support the hell out of you.

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Vaginal vs C-Section: How your Recovery is Different

The way you give birth affects the way you recover. And while the one thing having a baby does is unite us in the Mom Club, every person experiences their postpartum differently.

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Postpartum Audio Series: Episode 2, 7 Signs that you Need Postpartum Help

A 5-minute audio that outlines seven signs that you need help after you have a baby and where to find it. This is a must-listen!

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The Ultimate Guide to Your Postpartum Body

Hey, Girl? I know you’re a little surprised at how big your body has grown during this pregnancy. Did you ever think your stomach and boobs could  s t r e t c h  like that? And how about those cankles? I’m sure you’re wondering if all of this will ever go back to it’s original place.

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Postpartum Audio Series : Episode 1, Making Post Birth Support a Priority

An 8-minute audio that outlines 8 reasons you need to plan your postpartum support. If you're pregnant right now, this is a must-listen!

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Common Signs That you Need Help After Having a Baby

Show me someone with a brand new baby and I’ll show you someone who needs some kind of help. Whether they realize it or they literally can’t see it, there are some serious signs when it comes to postpartum overwhelm.

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8 Reasons Pregnant Moms Should Make Postpartum Support a Priority

A lot of women create a birth plan, but did you know that a postpartum plan is just as important? The fourth trimester is the longest stage of birth and we can help guide you through it!

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Covid-19 in Pregnancy Linked to Increased Stillbirth, Preeclampsia and Preterm Birth

March 19, 2021: **NEW meta-analysis of 42 studies involving 438,548 pregnant people around the world.

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The Best Free Customized Birth Plans

After years and years of working with women just like you, I innovated and came up with the perfect solution to your birth plan blues.

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The Difference Between a Doula and a Nurse at Your Birth

What you need to know before you hire a doula for your birth!

I'm a nurse. I'm also a doula. It’s a weird fence to straddle sometimes because both have their own culture. When wearing my nurse’s hat, I’ve heard the snide comments from other nurses about doulas. In my doula work, I’ve heard countless complaints about the “bitch nurses” at their local hospitals. 


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Epidural vs Natural Birth: 3 Ways Your Body Handles Them Differently

It's not a debate- it's just plain old science! Three ways your body handles birth when you don't have an epidural.

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Online Quiz: Do you Have Postpartum Depression?

Over the years I've offered the test to women as a free download and it's been very popular! But I've taken it one step further: I put the entire test online so all you have to do is answer the ten questions and get your instant results.

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8 Things I've Learned from Being a Mom in Quarantine

Now that we've hit the six month mark, I felt like a little reflection would be cool. Kinda like looking in the rearview mirror. Except since this mother-effing virus isn't going anywhere anytime soon, it's kinda like looking at what's ahead for us as well.

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Childbirth: the Stages of Labor and How to Push Without Tearing or Episiotomy

With our new virus-sticken world, a lot of women are planning to give birth outside of the hospital. Research shows us that a normal, low risk birth is safe outside of a medicalized environment. Women have been having normal births at home for years!

I've created this course from 20 years of experience as a Labour and Delivery/Postpartum nurse, a doula and a Lamaze childbirth educator just for you! I've guided many, many women down the path to motherhood, and I'm excited to do it with you online.

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Location-based Mobile App Mamasoup Helps Moms Connect to Their Community to Reduce the Emotional Impact of Social Distancing

March 26, 2020 PETERBOROUGH, ON - Joanne Ilaqua, the founder of Mamasoup, an app that is a support network for mothers, is working hard to provide online information and tools for women feeling the impact of social distancing.

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Postpartum Depression: Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

You may have had an easy pregnancy or a hard one. Maybe you tried for years to have this baby and your pregnancy has been full of love, hope and gratitude. When you finally give birth, you’re among the 80 percent of new moms who will experience some type of postpartum mood disorder.

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Feeding Your Newborn: Tips for Parents

As a nurse and birth worker, I know the benefits of breastfeeding for both a baby and a mom. However as a woman who's had 4 babies, I know that it comes with challenges. And when I say "challenges", I mean that you may choose to bottlefeed because you're on the 3rd month of no sleep. I totally get you and I certainly don't judge you.

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Breastfeeding Benefits: is it Really that Much Better for your Baby than Formula?

We’ve known for a long time that breastfeeding benefits babies. It's scientifically true that breastfeeding is the best nutrition you can provide for a baby, but did you know that breastfeeding is important for your health as well, Mama?

Read for more information!

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Constipation in Pregnancy: 7 Safe Remedies for this Painful Pregnancy Symptom

The problem with being constipated while you’re expecting is that it can cause you pain and discomfort. Straining while you try to poop can increase your risks of hemorrhoids, varicose veins in your labia and even weaken your pelvic floor. These are some gifts that can keep on giving even after your baby is born, so if you're having any resistance at all, you should address them immediately.

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Miscarriage Causes: How to Stop Stressing About Having One While You're Pregnant

Show me a pregnant woman and I’ll show you someone who researches miscarriage causes and fears losing her baby.

The good news is that there are things you can do to calm your thoughts and enjoy your pregnancy.


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Caesarean Birth: 10 Ways to Avoid a C-Section

Giving birth by cesarean isn't an easy way to have a baby. It comes with more potential problems: in fact, a c-section recovery takes longer and has an emotional toll that can last a lifetime. Between the delayed healing of the incision and that little pooch on your belly that never goes away, having a caesarean is tough.

Read on for 10 ways to avoid a c-section!

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Is Your Baby's Sleep Schedule Normal?

Have you been wondering if your baby has a normal sleep schedule? Check out the normal sleep patterns for babies here before you spend money on a sleep coach!

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7 Things Every Woman Should Know About Having a Healthy Pregnancy

Check out these healthy pregnancy and birth recommendations from The American College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists (ACOG) to help guide your baby bump safely to the delivery room.

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The Physical and Emotional Load of Motherhood: Are Moms Partially to Blame for Mom-Burnout?

I don’t think it really matters what stage of mothering you’re in: If you’re a mom, you are taking on most of the physical, mental and emotional load. No matter how amazingly supportive your partner is it’s a thing that moms naturally acquire. Like menstruation and stretch marks. But can blame ourselves for some of it?

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Tips to Reduce Anxiety as a Single Mom During the Holidays

When you're a single parent, the holidays can be especially difficult. These tips will help you stay calm and focused on what matters most.

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22 Unique Ways to Make Mom-Friends While You're Pregnant to Build Your Postpartum Village of Support

It’s hard to explain to you exactly how important it is to have a mom-friend because until you become a mama, you don’t realize how lonely it can actually be. A friend can listen when you’re having a tough day, sympathize when you tell her how tired you are and even encourage you to get out of the house when it’s the last thing you feel like doing.

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5 Ways to Build Long Lasting, Never-Waivering, Confidence in Yourself

When was the last time you felt confident in yourself? I’m talking ass-kicking, not gonna stop confident? You wouldn’t be alone if you can’t really remember. It’s a lot of work for some women to feel confidence after lending out their bodies for babies and giving up the majority of their time (and sleep) for kids.

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17 Ways That You Can Have a Better Pregnancy

Written by a nurse, doula and Lamaze educator to bring you 17 ways to have a better pregnancy!

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9 Ways to Turn a Breech Baby

About 25% of babies are in the breech position before 28 weeks! Yup, those babies like to spread out and motor around when they have room in the womb. But as the weeks grow, so does your baby; by the time you hit 32 weeks only about 7% of those remain breech.

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8 Ways to Stay Sane While Raising Teenagers

Look, Sister- we can be frank, here. We’re not new moms anymore. Deep down, don’t you feel like you should have this “motherhood thing” figured out by now? New moms everywhere are watching us and they think we’ve got all the answers. And we probably had a lot of them until our kids hit about 11, don’t you agree?

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How I Went From Surviving to Thriving as a Single Mom on Welfare

If you’re separated or divorced and you’re doing that mom-life all by your lonesome, you’re truly doing the hardest job. Like, it’s the Iron Man of the mom-world. It’s like running the Boston Marathon but you never reach the finish line.

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5 Steps to Massaging Your Perineum While You're Pregnant So You Don't Tear During Childbirth

Pusing a baby out is one of the biggest fears that women have about childbirth. Well, that and pooping during the pushing stage but we’ll tackle that one another day, Mama. It’s no surprise either- it’s almost impossible to imagine your lady-bits stretching big enough to fit another human being through it, amiright?

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If You've Ever Lost Track of your Toddler You're Not a BAD Mom, You're Just a Normal Mom

It seems as though moms are expected to be super-human and do this almost impossible job of raising kids perfectly and when we’re not, we’re penalized. It’s no wonder so many women aren’t seeking help for depression and anxiety after they have babies: if we admit that we’re not handling motherhood well at this moment, we’re terrified that our children will be taken away.

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Stop Judging Moms for 'Distracted Parenting' When We're Raising Kids in the Digital F**king Age

Once again the media is calling out parents for another thing we're doing wrong out here. As if the pressure to raise human beings in a scary world where men like Trump are running the free-world isn't enough, now we can't check our phones while we do it?

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Your 'Perfect' Instagram Life is Ruining Motherhood for the Rest of Us

The problem with the perfect feed of the "InstaMommy" is that women are feeling crappy after looking at it. Because at the end of the day, if you’re a mom you’re a woman with problems. Let’s stop pretending this is the easiest and most rewarding job in the world all the time and start talking about how tough it can be.

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5 Things You Need to Know About Breastfeeding in the First Few Days

If you’re on the fence about whether or not to rent out your boobs to a very cute but very, very demanding little tenant, I certainly don’t judge you. Like most things in life, you don’t know what you like until you try it so here’s some tips to making your first tries at breastfeeding better.

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Fetal Macrosomia: 6 Things You Need to Know About Giving Birth to a Big Baby

If you’re looking for a little big baby birth inspo, I’ve got you covered! There are a few things you should know before you go into labour with your little line-backer.

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Motherhood is Lonely AF. Mamasoup Can Help.

I’m just a mom like you. I don’t have millions of dollars and an army of app developers at my disposal like Facebook and Instagram. I’m just one woman with a burning desire to help us all connect and lift each other up while we’re doing the hardest job on the planet.

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How to Tell if it's Postpartum Depression or Baby Blues

Maternal mental health isn’t exactly a sexy subject. Let’s be honest: society seems more interested in talking about the Kardashians and that hot mess of a turnip that runs the United States. But the truth is that the statistics for mental health disorders in pregnant and postpartum women are startling.

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How Will You Know When to Call the Doctor? Information For Newborns and New Moms

Although there so are many reasons to call the doctor, these are the most common. Nobody expects you to know everything that’s going on with your postpartum body or your brand new baby, so don’t hesitate to call the doctor if you’re not sure.

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Are You Scared Sh*tless About Giving Birth, Mama? Here Are 5 Ways to Conquer Your Fears!

 “I can’t believe I’m pregnant!” “Wow. I’m pregnant.” “I can’t believe I’m pregnant.” And then finally, “Oh crap.”

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All About Postpartum Fatigue and my #1 Tip to Avoid it

If you’re pregnant right now, there’s something you need to know about. I don’t care if this is your first baby or your fifth, there’s a syndrome that we don’t talk about enough and it’s called “Postpartum Fatigue (PPF)”.

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7 Reasons You Need to Hire a Doula (Even if You're Having an Epidural)

I have to give full disclosure here: I’m a doula. I’m also a nurse. I have supported birthing women on both sides of the stirrups, so I have some real insight here.  Believe me when I say, a doula can make the difference between a good birth experience and a great one.

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Pushing For Your Natural Childbirth: 6 Common Birth Interventions to Avoid

If you’ve been longing to have a drug-free birth, this information is for you, Mama. But fair warning: this isn’t about natural childbirth the Bradley way because I’m all about that Lamaze life. And contrary to what a lot of people think, Lamaze is about a lot more than just breathing!

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The Top 6 Things Moms Want YOU to Know About Breastfeeding

If you’re pregnant and looking for some real breastfeeding tips, I’ve got you covered today, Mama! I polled my followers over on Instagram to find out what they wish they’d known before they started nursing their babies and it’s not all about breastfeeding pillows and covers!

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Nicole's Ongoing Infertility Journey

Infertility is a special kind of grieving process in that the thing that you’re grieving is absence. Absence of life, success, family, love, etc. It’s a snowball of feelings that keeps growing month after month. This is Nicole's story.

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7 Effective Ways a Partner Can Support a Mom While She's Raising Kids

If the first 6 weeks postpartum are like a short sprint in the race of raising a family, then the first few years are a marathon. And while it’s true that you've probably recovered from childbirth by the time your baby is a toddler, there’s a good chance that you’re still going to need emotional and physical support while you’re doing the hardest job on the planet: raising little humans.

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DIY- Diaper Wipe Spray

If you've been looking for a good diaper-wipe spray so you can avoid using wipes, I've got you covered!

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How to Reverse PMS, Hot Flashes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.

If you're suffering from hot flashes, infertility, next-level periods or if you just can't seem to move the needle on your bathroom scale, consider making some of these changes. It may seem a little inconvenient at first but it just may transform how you feel physically and emotionally!

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The One Thing a Mom Can Do to Make Raising a Teenager Easier

Did you know there’s a group for moms of teenagers on the Mamasoup app? Join the conversation now and start finding the support that we all need doing this most difficult stage of parenting- the stage where we have to let go and trust that we’ve done our job well.

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I Don't Always Love Being a Mom (And You Don't Have to Either!)

The faster we accept that motherhood doesn’t have to feel like one big dance through the daisy-field, the better. Let’s all acknowledge that even if you’re a mom who did fertility treatments, even if you navigated the adoption process for years, even if you didn’t think you’d ever become pregnant- you don’t have to feel a constant flow of positivity about motherhood.

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Suffering Through School Holidays

Christmas vacation is about to start over here, Mamas! This is a special time of the year to stand in solidarity with other moms. We are all going to do our best over the next couple of weeks to hold it all together.

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An Interview With a NICU Mom: What She Wants You to Know

As a nurse, I know how hard it is to have a baby who doesn't get to go home with you. But as a mama, I can't fathom the challenges these new moms are facing.

I interviewed a former NICU mama about her experience and insights, and here's what she had to say...

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What if my Baby is Born With a Disability?

In my career as a labour and delivery/postpartum nurse, I’ve seen a lot of babies born and they aren’t quite what their parents were expecting. With all of the testing available during pregnancy, you may wonder how an unknown birth defect or disability can even happen. But that is one of the mysteries of creating life.

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5 Things First-Time Moms Wished They'd Known Before Giving Birth

First-time mamas experience more fear of childbirth than moms who’ve already given birth a couple of times. Is this really that surprising? If you don’t know what to expect, the anticipation and uncertainty can be terrifying!

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Mamasoup is A Blog for Moms at ALL Stages

As a nurse, doula and Lamaze educator I like to think I know a few things about moms. But as a woman who has been doing this mom-gig for almost 28 years, I've gained some on-the-job experience and wisdom that nobody could ever learn from books.

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Did You Have a Traumatic Birth?

Before I retired from nursing to start Mamasoup, I worked in Labour and Delivery/Postpartum. People would always smile when I told them what I did for a living, and usually someone would say You’re so lucky to work in such a happy place! And I did feel lucky, because when it was happy it was so happy. But when it was sad, it was almost unbearable.

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Have You Ever Felt the Crushing Pressure of Providing Your Kids a Christmas?

It may seem like an insignificant thing to some people- supporting a mom and her kids during a highly marketed season. You may think, Why on earth would she put her efforts into Christmas when there are so many other times a mom needs help?

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5 Things to Try When Your Baby Cries

Maybe you’ve been around lots of babies and you’re completely comfortable with your own, but maybe you’re not. Many women have babies and have no idea what to do with them when they cry, and that’s ok! You don’t have to know everything to be the best mom for your baby, Mama!

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Wondering How Mamasoup Works?

A video tutorial of how the Mamasoup app for moms works. It's a new level of mom-tastic!

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8 Steps to Latching Your Baby at the Breast: a Free Downloadable Guide

Breastfeeding in the first days is a unique experience and doesn't necessarily decide how your entire nursing journey is going to go.

Download a free guide to latching your newborn at the breast!

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Sex, Drugs and Alcohol: The 3 Things I've Learned About Talking to My Teens About the Hard Stuff

Raising well-adjusted kids means keeping an open line of communication and unfortunately that’s our job as parents. Those times when you really don’t want to talk because it’s uncomfortable or just plain hard? Those are the times when it matters the most.

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How to Have a Happier Marriage While Raising a Family (Hint: it's NOT Date Nights)

Over the last 18 years we've blended a family, had 2 kids of our own, stumbled through a child with drug addiction and we're currently raising our second set of teenagers. I'm not saying we have all the answers at all, but we've managed to get ourselves here.

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8 Things You Need to Know BEFORE Your Baby Arrives

As a childbirth educator, I want to serve you up some of the realest information that you haven't even considered because let's face it- if this is your first baby, how would you know what you really need to know?

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Miscarriage, Fertility Treatments and a Rainbow Baby: This is Nicole's Story.

The silence in the room felt like an eternity. I saw the screen, I knew what 8 week, 6 day ultrasounds looked like—my screen did not look like that. After what felt like half an hour (likely one minute), my doctor said “Nicole, I’m so sorry”.

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The #1 Way to Remove Mom-Guilt is a Profile on the Mamasoup App

Recently, I asked my Instagram followers to tell me what they were struggling with at their stage in motherhood. Let me tell ya, Mom-Guilt was the NUMBER ONE. In fact, it was so resounding, that I created a conversation on Mamasoup about it, using one mama's own words. (Hop over to check it out and join the chat!)

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A Guide to the Safest Over-the-Counter Drugs for Pregnancy

Taking medications while you’re pregnant is not ideal. But let’s face it- 40 weeks is a loooong time to stay away from that medicine cabinet. I know you’re trying to stay away from over-the-counter medications, Mama, but if you break down and need something, I’ve got you covered.

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4 Ways to Do What's Best For You and Your Baby (and SHUT DOWN the Mommy-Trolls!)

If you’ve never experienced a mom-troll, hop onto any Facebook mom-group and post something about vaccines, breastfeeding or sleep training. Or post a picture of your baby in a carseat. The trolls just can’t help themselves: they’ll tear you down and eat you up. Apparently, they are the "Moms of Perfect Choices". They do everything right, even the carseat straps.

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5 Steps to Your Postpartum Plan: Don't Have a Baby Without One!

A lot of women hesitate to reach out before the baby is even born because they think they'll be able to "handle things" and there's a good chance that they will! But why? Why try to be a hero and become a sleepless zombie when you can rely on the kindness of friends, family and even paid support people?

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The 10 Things I Realized While Raising a Child Addicted to Drugs

When you’re pregnant, you kinda have a vision of what kind of parent you think you'll be. I remember thinking that I would be a very cool, open mom who wouldn’t let too much get to me. I’d be the mom that other mom’s kids could talk to. I have to say, that for the most part I’ve been pretty damn relaxed in this mom-gig.

But NOTHING could have ever prepared me to raise a son addicted to drugs.

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5 Reasons to Exercise While You're Pregnant and The Best Ways to Do It

When I first became pregnant I remember thinking, “Woohoo! Nine months of eating whatever I want and sitting around because I’m gonna get fat anyhow!” But as I started gaining the baby weight my body was really feeling it; I realized quickly how much exercise can keep the discomforts of pregnancy away.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Coffee and Breastfeeding

Doesn't it seem like a bad joke? At a time when moms need a jolt of caffeine the most, they have to be careful about just how much they consume in a day!

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19 Ways to a Better Pregnancy

There are many ways to have a better pregnancy, but here are just 19!

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The 5 Best Positions to Get Into Active Labour

With so many women planning to have epidurals now, getting into positions that encourage the baby to move down the birth canal and progress labour may not be on everyone’s mind. But here’s the thing about epidurals: you have to be in active labour to have one. In order to get into active labour, you may need to use gravity to get the baby’s head pressing against the cervix.

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What I've Learned From Being a Teen Mom and Why I Wish People Would Stop Passing Judgement.

You see not all teenage moms are strippers, drug addicts or unaware that they happen to be carrying an extra 30 pounds of baby. And contrary to popular belief, we’re not all girls with “Daddy issues” or a need to be loved.

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Your Body is Not Broken, Mama.

A caesarean.

I had to let it sink in for a bit, and when it finally did all I felt was scared. And disappointed: in my body and in the birth that I wasn’t going to have. I felt sorry for myself for awhile, then angry. Sometimes it seemed like all I was focusing on for the last 2 months of my pregnancy was my upcoming surgery and the pain that I would experience after.

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My Friends Can't Believe I Buy Condoms For My Teenagers

As a strong woman who is raising strong, independent and well-adjusted kids I like to bring up the really tough stuff: consent, drugs, birth control, sex…you know, the kind of things that they’re going to be dealing with for the rest of their lives. I want to make these conversations easier on them because I want them to feel like they can talk to me about this stuff.

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Black Births Matter: And Why Privileged White Moms (Like Me) Should Care About It.

The numbers and the deaths don’t lie. Black women are dying at alarming rates in the United States, a country that prides itself on being the epicentre of the world, with advanced medical care.

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The One Thing You Should Know Before You Have Your Tubes Tied

I decided to have my tubes "tied" when I was pregnant with my fourth baby, who was a real surprise by the way! My doctor didn't tell me anything about the symptoms I would suffer with for the rest of my freaking reproductive life.

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8 Ways That Weed Can Affect Your Nursing Baby

Pot is legal in Canada (and many of the states) now so it’s more important than ever to have the best information possible about how smoking weed can affect your nursing baby.


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13 Ways to Make Mom-Friends While You're Still Pregnant

Friends are important when you're transitioning to motherhood. It’s hard to explain to you exactly how important they are because until you become a mama, you don’t realize how lonely it can actually be. A mom-friend can listen when you’re having a tough day, sympathize when you tell her how tired you are and even encourage you to get out of the house when it’s the last thing you feel like doing.

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Spoiler Alert: You Don't Have to be a Perfect Mom to be PERFECT For Your Kids

Perfect moms don't exist so stop beating yourself up. You don't need letterboards and the perfect nursery decor to prove yourself to anyone. As long as you let love guide you, you'll be everything your kids ever need.

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5 Things You Didn't Expect After Having a Baby

Ahhhhh girl….this is the least talked about part of pregnancy. It’s messy, it’s painful and it’s emotional. This isn’t the stuff that we’re talking to our girlfriends about, and many of us don’t even talk to our mothers about it. You're definitely not going to scroll through Instagram and find this. But as a L&D nurse, a doula, a Lamaze educator and a mom who's given birth 4 times, I'm gonna give it to you straight.

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5 Ways to Solve Homework Stress in Your House

Over the years, I’ve tried a lot of different things to make life easier when the backpacks hit the kitchen table, but there are some that have really worked for us!

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Are You Tired of Your Inner Mean Girl?

If you’re struggling to move ahead in any part of your life, you’re not alone! Your inner mean girl is a bully and she can paralyze you from having everything you’ve ever wanted. Over the years, I’ve learned some tricks to quiet that voice of doubt and truly take control of my life.

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Vaginal Seeding

Basically, our bodies are full of microbes. These are micro-organisms that contain: bacteria, fungi and even viruses. You may think that these are bad, but a lot of them are actually VERY good for our health and well-being! 

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12 Ways to Have a Better Birth

There are some things that you can do to set yourself up for your best birth possible. Finding support, informing yourself and reading about other moms' experiences can all help you decide what kind of birth you want.

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5 Ways to Feel Confident About Giving Birth.

I remember the day I realized that I had a real, actual human being inside of me who was going to have to come out. I’m not gonna lie- I felt some panic. That’s when I knew that I would have to take some steps to prepare myself mentally for giving birth.

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The ONE Thing Nobody is Telling Smoking Moms Who Want to Breastfeed

If you're a mom who's a smoker, you should not stop breastfeeding your baby. There are ways to lower your baby's risks to nicotine. Instead of feeling guilty about not being a perfect mom you can protect your baby while having a breastfeeding relationship.

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Three Women With Three Different Birth Stories

Ask any woman about her birth(s) and she will be able to recall very specific details: the sounds, the smells and the way she was made to feel while she was bringing life into the world.

In this post: 3 women share 3 very different memories from their birth stories.

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Your Birth is THAT Important

Childbirth is a story that a mama will recall over and over again for her entire life. And it's not a story that can be rewritten.

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Shut Down Your Thoughts, Change the World With Your Gifts

There is nothing that you can’t accomplish if you set your mind straight to it. The big problem is drowning out all of your thoughts and fears. I can talk myself out of anything. Just last night I talked myself out of washing and moisturizing my face before bed.

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Doing Childcare Right: an Interview with a Registered Early Childhood Educator

I am a RECE (Registered Early Childhood Educator) and have been working in childcare for about 4-5 years now. I did a co-op placement in high school in a daycare and even though I always knew I wanted to work with children, that was when I fell in love with the daycare environment!

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The 9 Pregnancy Essentials I Can't Live Without

Another guest blog by pregnant Mamasouper Nicole Lemke!

I’ve been trying to have a really positive mindset throughout this pregnancy…we worked really hard to get here, but let’s be honest…pregnancy isn’t always the most fun thing in the world.  Here is my list of products that have made this pregnancy a little easier and relatively complaint-free!

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Twenty Questions a Mama Should Ask in a Doula Interview

So Mama, have you thought about hiring a doula? It can be overwhelming to find* and interview them, so I put together a list of questions that you can use to find the perfect doula for you and your partner!

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It's Not Too Late to Rewrite Our Stories

Deep down I know it’s wrong, to let extra pounds define myself as a person. I’m an adult now, so changing my “story” should be easy! All I have to do is write myself a new plot, right? But I’m only human and I hear the screams of society telling me how I should look to be worthy of happiness. So, like many, I've desperately tried to change myself.

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A Rainbow After an Angel - Nicole's Story

My miscarriage started as just some spotting and cramping. Three days later I went to that dreaded ultrasound. I made my husband leave work early  to meet me there. The silence in the room felt like an eternity. I saw the screen, I knew what 8 week, 6 day ultrasounds looked like—my screen did not look like that. After what felt like half an hour (likely one minute), my doctor said “Nicole, I’m so sorry”.

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Is it Possible to Take the Guilt out of Motherhood?

f you’re a mom, you have experienced the feeling of never being able to accomplish everything. And that goes for working moms and stay-at-home moms, too! I used to say to my husband, “I’m so frustrated because I can’t give 100% to anything in my life!”

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When Moms Help Moms, I Do a Happy Dance

People often ask me why I would leave my career in nursing to start a company at this stage in my life. Let’s face it- I’m not young. I don’t have an MBA. Who do I think I am anyway, starting a business?  Trust me, I don’t always feel confident and I often feel terrified. But I'm not offended when people ask me because even I think I’m a little bit crazy, to be honest. Maybe the best thing I’ve ever learned from so many years of nursing is a deep, deep compassion for women.

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What Kind of a Sports Mom Are You?

I love watching my kids do their favourite things and I love seeing my different “team families”. But when two sports overlap, it’s hard not to notice how different the culture of those sports is. More importantly, the culture of different sports parents.

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Valentine's Day is the Day to Love Yourself.

Over the last 26 years of being a mom on Valentine’s Day, I’ve been single, dating and married. I totally understand why some women get really wrapped up in the importance of the day. Who doesn’t want to feel loved and appreciated? Especially a mom.

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You're Not Failing at Motherhood if Your Kid Doesn't Have a "Chore List"

I know it’s good for kids to have responsibilities from a young age. I’ve read the parenting books and they all cover just this topic, and I know it makes them more responsible later in life. I realize that 2-year olds can clean up a few toys, that 4 year olds can help with dishes and that 6 year olds can help pack lunches. I know they’re capable of doing all of these things, but do you know where I get stuck? It’s the fact that it all takes monitoring from me.

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The Time to Love Your Post-Baby Body is NOW!

Are you grieving the loss of your former body since having children? You're not alone. It's time to stop beating yourself up and start appreciating your post-baby body, Mama!

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Caesarean Awareness is for EVERYMOM

January is Caesarean Awareness Month! Instead of telling you all the reasons you shouldn't have one, I've decided to talk about the reasons some women choose to have a caesarean birth. It's time to stop judging moms for their decisions and support one another! Your birth decisions were right for you, and hers were right for her.

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New Year Same You Because, Mama, You're Already Amazing

I propose that we stop trying to improve ourselves in the new year and start celebrating how awesome we are!

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When it Comes to Moms, There's Strength in Numbers.

Moms need each other more than ever for friendship, support and information. Did you know there's an app for that?

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Do I Really Need a Doula?

Do you really need a doula? Ummm, yes. Doulas do a lot more than time contractions and breathing patterns!

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A Kid Who Loses is a Happy Winner

Our kids will never appreciate winning if they never lose. It's tough to watch your kid go through it, but in the end it's worth it!

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Travelling With Kids is Worth the Effort.

Travelling with kids is one of the hardest things a parent can do! Lots of parents choose to stay home in the safety of their own environment. But getting away is good for families!

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A Balanced Mama Means a Balanced Kid

As adults, we can make the choice to put our phones down and step away from the constant bombardment of technology. But how do our kids know to do the same? They just kind of get stuck in a constant loop of information coming at them all the time.

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